Planning for a Craft Brewery Delivery Vehicle
/As an aspiring craft brewer you need to make sure to earmark funds within your business plan for a delivery vehicle or series of vehicles (depending on your size and scale). Here at My Beer Brand, we work closely with each of our clients to complete a thorough analysis of the vehicle business need and then identify a short list of solutions. Based on our work with current and past transportation clients we would like to share five important questions you should be asking yourself when considering a delivery vehicle for your new business.
Will I have time or funds to hire a delivery driver to self-distribute or should I work with a distributor right away?
Will my future or current brewery location have a loading dock or will I need to ground load all of my deliveries?
Is refrigeration necessary to transport my finished product from the brewery to customers?
What type of end product will I need to transport? Will I only have kegs or will I also have cans or bottles to deliver to customers?
Do I have time to maintain the vehicle properly or should I leave this up to someone else?